Ultimate Guide For Teddy Day

Ultimate Guide For Teddy Day

The lovers can greet each other by sending stuffed soft toys called teddy bears. The lover boys and even the ladies can take this opportunity to prepare a delicacy making it look like the teddy bear. Valentine's Day can be a fabulous idea to celebrate the Teddy Day.

The Valentine’s Week brings the treasure of celebrations through a variety of gifts such as the rose, chocolates, proposal gifts, promotional gifts and so on. On February 10th, the cutest celebration of Teddy Day takes place annually. The lovers can greet each other by sending the stuffed soft toys called teddy bears that are shaped like the bears. Apart from these gifts, there can be some other fascinating ideas to celebrate this day taking the affection to the peak.


Presenting an appetizing gourmet teddy: The lover boys and even the ladies can take this opportunity to greet and treat the spouse or the loving partner by preparing a delicacy making it look like the teddy bear. The best idea would be the handmade cookies at home that can be arranged to look like the teddy. The bigger sized cookie can be arranged as the face of the teddy putting some cherries to make the eyes and roasted cashew for lips. The other pair of small-sized cookies can be arranged as the ears of the teddy bear as well. The figure can be extended adding the body and even the legs, arranging different sized cookies and garnishing with fresh cream, some green leaves, sprinkling choco chips and much more. This delicious treat would make the receiving partner feel tremendously delighted and can be among the most delicious Valentine day ideas as well.

The bear hunt activity: Taking the beloved girlfriend, wife even the kids that are at the top of the list of the loved ones on a bear hunt can be a fabulous idea to celebrate the Teddy Day. The hunt can be arranged in the backyards, keeping some attractive teddy bears arranged in the cane baskets and buckets. The loved ones can be asked to search for the teddies similar to the hide and seek game. The reward for finding the teddy and bringing it would be the attractive teddy bear itself. As the first cute teddy bear is found, they would be excited to search for more and the activity will take the form of a competition to find different colored and decorated and different shapes of teddy bears. These can be the most heart touching valentines gifts.

Preset a story of a teddy bearThe happy ending comedy stories can impress the girlfriends and wives and kids, especially when the hero of the story is a teddy bear.

Frame a nice story that can be narrated in an interesting manner, written on the card sheet with some beautiful pictures of the teddy bears and through many ideas.


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